
The Fischer Panda® service kits are designed for the routine service tasks which can be performed by the operator unless highlighted differently in the manual. These service kits contain original Genset spare parts.

Kit Includes
• 1 x oil filter
• 1 x fuel filter
• 1 x filter element for air filter
• 1 x toothed belt (heat-proof)
• 1 x impeller kit (with gasket)

BLA CodeDescription
337450Kit 1 to suit 5000i & AGT 4000 PMS
337451Kit 5000i.Neo PMS
337452Kit 3 to suit 8000, 8000i, AGT 5000 & AGT 6000 PMS
337454Kit 4 to suit 12000 & AGT 8000 PMS
337456Kit 5 to suit 18, 24, 30, 7.5-4, 9-4, 12-4 & 25i PMS
337458Kit 6 to suit AGT DC series
337460Kit 8 to suit 8000,12000, 15000, 8000i & 15000i PVM & PVK
337462Kit 9 to suit 18, 24, 7.5-4, 9-4 PVM & PVK
337464Kit 11 to suit 4000s PMS
337466Kit 14 to suit 10000 & 10000i PMS
337470Kit 19 to suit 15000 & 15000i PMS
SP33337690Kit 2 to suit PMS 4500